Friday, March 2, 2012

First Post

Oh joy. First post. Hmm.. let's see. I decided to start this blog so I could rant about my daily life and stuff. I thought twitter would work but 140 characters is not enough for me to rant. Plus I don't wanna spam other people's timelines with useless tweets. Not that many people follow me anyway. But if somehow someone reads this, follow me on twitter @Krisllamaten :D (stupid name, idgas) I should be doing my ISS discussion but I don't really care. Even when I should. I'll get to it soon enough.

Hopefully I can post up stuff daily but it may be a bit impossible with schoolwork and all that. Meh :/ Here's a picture to describe how my day went today (and almost every other day)

Yes, I could've typed that out but I'm just experimenting with the new blogger interface. Not that it's hard to use. Ah.. forget it.


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